Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Happy St. Patty's Day & 3 Month Birthday To Me!

I turned 3 months old on St. Patty's Day!! I'm getting to be such a big boy already!
Daddy was waiting all day to go out for corned beef and cabbage.....and they were even drinking green beer....hmmm...I wish my bottle was green!
It was kinda hot out today....I was sweating in my car seat,
so mom stripped me down when we got home!
Getting ready for bed!

My First Stroller Ride Outside

It was so nice out earlier this week, Mommy took me for my first stroller ride down the road.
I had a lot of fun and enjoyed the fresh air. That sun was sure bright - I've been cooped up all winter!!

Happy Birthday Mommy!!

Here I am ready to take Mommy out to eat for her birthday!!
Mom decided to have ANOTHER photo shoot of me....I guess she thought this outfit was cute. That's what she says about ALL of my outfits!

Rolling Over!!

Here I am working on my new trick......
This is hard work, but I eventually got it a few days later - I rolled over on March 14!!
Just a few days before my 3 month birthday!!!!

Saturday, March 7, 2009

Eating Cereal by Spoon!!!

At just 2 1/2 months old, I ate my first bites of cereal by spoon. I've been getting it in my bottle since I'm such a big boy!! The milk just wasn't cutting it!!!

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

My First Illini Game!!

I was pretty unhappy when it came time to leave for the game.
I told Mom and Dad I didn't care how cute they thought I was,
I was really just trying to work out a poo poo!

Daddy got me my very first pair of shoes - and even Nike's!
I was ready to shoot some hoops with those things on!

Here we are before the game - I loved all of the orange and bright lights.
I couldn't look around fast enough!!

Mommy and Daddy put these big things on my head - they said it was because that place gets too loud for my little ears. I'm sure I will thank them later! we are after the game. I was working on taking a small nap.
Speaking of I am totally cashed out before we headed to the car.
What a big day!

My Very Own Couch

I'm such a big man, I have the couch all to myself!!