Wednesday, March 4, 2009

My First Illini Game!!

I was pretty unhappy when it came time to leave for the game.
I told Mom and Dad I didn't care how cute they thought I was,
I was really just trying to work out a poo poo!

Daddy got me my very first pair of shoes - and even Nike's!
I was ready to shoot some hoops with those things on!

Here we are before the game - I loved all of the orange and bright lights.
I couldn't look around fast enough!!

Mommy and Daddy put these big things on my head - they said it was because that place gets too loud for my little ears. I'm sure I will thank them later! we are after the game. I was working on taking a small nap.
Speaking of I am totally cashed out before we headed to the car.
What a big day!

1 comment:

Don & Jackie said...

These photos are so cute!!!! The last one is the one I think he looks like craig in!!!!